Welcoming Georgia, Taylor & Monica

This year we are thrilled to have welcomed Interior Designer Georgia Dyer, Architectural Assistant Taylor Cunningham and Graduate of Architecture Monica Bonasera to our studio.

All in the early stages of their careers, Georgia, Taylor and Monica credit gaining industry experience while studying as an invaluable opportunity to advance their skillset and set a solid foundation for their professional future. We had the pleasure of interviewing them to learn more about their inspirations, experiences, and aspirations.

What led you to study architecture / interior architecture?

Georgia — I initially started a business degree which wasn’t the right fit for me. I’d always wanted to do something creative and had spent my childhood drawing floor plans and designing homes – no budget of course! Studying interior architecture was a natural fit, allowing me to be creative and work in a collaborative environment.

Taylor — I was inspired by a talk given by, funnily enough, Tony Zappia at my school. During my bachelor’s degree I completed work experience here at S9 which reconfirmed that architecture was the perfect combination of creativity and impact. I'm currently in my final year of my master's and excited to continue learning and begin my career in the industry.

Monica — I come from an artistic family and have always been interested in drawing and arts. Architecture allows me to combine my creativity with my practical skill set.

What do you enjoy most about architecture / interior design?

Georgia — I love how different spaces can evoke different emotions and atmospheres. It's amazing to create spaces that people really want to be in. To see the finished product come to life from something that started as a sketch and a selection of materials is an amazing experience.

Taylor — The way that architecture can impact people's lives — whether it's a school where children learn or a cool bar where people gather. Architecture allows me to be creative while shaping the world around us.

Monica — The process of starting with the simplest conceptual idea and developing that into a physical form. A building has so much more meaning than a user may initially see.

Having all worked in the industry while studying, tell us about your experiences and what they offered you.

Georgia — I would recommend it to everybody — it not only gave me real-life context to my studies but made me sure that this is what I wanted to do. It can be difficult while studying, but you’ll learn a lot about working with clients and the technical side of projects that prepares you for life after uni.

Taylor — It’s definitely reassured me that this is the industry I want to be in. Being surrounded by and working with highly skilled people has improved my studies and given me real-world experience that has developed both my soft and technical skills.

Monica — It gave me exposure to working with others in the industry, taught me how to communicate with clients and developed by technical skills. It helped me understand what kind of work environment I thrive in.

What led you to join S9?

Georgia — I was mentored by Keith Dougal and Mandy Goehr during my final year of uni. I was impressed by the studio's culture, diverse portfolio, and the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects. I felt like S9 was the perfect place for me to grow and learn.

Taylor — After my first week of work experience, I felt like I belonged here. Being exposed to the studio’s diverse portfolio opened my eyes to the possibilities this industry has to offer and I knew S9 was where I wanted to begin my career in architecture.

Monica — I was impressed by S9's reputation in the industry. I felt the studio would provide me with the opportunity to grow and learn in a supportive and innovative environment.

What are you most looking forward to in your career?

Georgia — I’m excited by the opportunity to learn and try new things by working across different sectors and projects.

Taylor — I'm looking forward to graduating at the end of this year and working full-time in the industry. I’m excited to continue to learn and grow as an architect. I want to be able to contribute to meaningful projects and make a positive impact on the world through my work.

Monica — I'm looking forward to growing and expanding my skills as an architect. There is always something new to learn and the industry is always progressing and evolving. I'm also eager to explore interior design and contribute to all aspects of a project.