Working with the City of Marion and stakeholders, we have developed a master plan to deliver a vibrant new community facility at Hallett Cove

With the current soccer and BMX facilities relocating to other sites, council was afforded an opportunity to redevelop some rare flat land in the area to better service the remaining sports clubs and provide additional options for community recreation.
Extensive consultation was undertaken in the early phases of the project including a Vision Workshop with council, key stakeholders and peak bodies (SACA, SANFL and Netball SA). Key findings from the consultation process, found the football ovals to be undersized, changerooms were not to current codes, shortfall of site carparking and that a safer environment for Netball users needed to be addressed.

The consultation outcomes, and working within the site constraints through rigorous site analysis and investigations were the key drivers for the master plan options and the final master plan outcome.
The concept narrative references Hallett Cove’s unique geology and the building form draws inspiration from a singular horizontal line, representing the junction of earth and sky, overlaid onto the site to emphasise and give context to the varying levels.

The key functional challenge of the project was to develop a facility that addressed both ovals, yet provided a function space which was located centrally, providing an outlook to both ovals and the sea. This was achieved through two separate pavilions which work with the topography of the site and connect or touch at the function space. The curved facades provide protection against the wind and the rain.
The new facility provides an improved street presence to Lonsdale Highway and a clear entry sequence drawing visitors into the building.